Make Something Edmonton


What are you making? How can we help? Tell us at

Make Something Edmonton is a citizen-led celebration and call to action: to inspire and help you make something… anything… born out of your own talents, obsessions and imagination, to make your city more fun, more attractive, more fascinating, more caring, more profitable, more challenging, more fulfilling. A richer, stranger, stronger Edmonton: the city you already live in and love, only more so.

Making something is easy, and it’s a pure expression of what it means to be an Edmontonian. You can make something:

Small. Launch a get-to-know-your-neighbours gathering or a litter pick-up party on your block.

Beautiful. Plant flowers in that neglected patch you pass by every day. Slap a fresh coat of paint on something or commission a mural for an ugly wall.

Personal. Lend a hand to that person in need. Launch a kindness project. Volunteer. Seek out local food, beer, books, artwork.

Profitable. Start that business you always dreamed of.

Ridiculous. Organize a unicycle rodeo. Paint your house like a candy cane.

Fun. Put on a spontaneous juggling workshop. Organize children’s improv in the park or a seniors dance party. Start the first-ever urban adventure race in the winter.

Big. Start a new festival or an art show, a community event, a concert series. Transform your neighbourhood.

Or something else. You’ll have better ideas than we do.

Document your project. Then go to and show us what you’ve done.

Because we want to celebrate it. And you.